Day 16
Getting ready for Iceland
Today we spent the morning around Heimaey (Stop A) on the Vestmannajar Islands before taking the ferry back to the mainland and heading into the big city of Reykjavik, which is Iceland’s largest city (population 122,000). After two weeks in the hinterlands that does seem big. While on Heimaey Island we had to visit the cliffs with the Puffins again first thing in the morning. We then headed to climb Eldfell (Fire Mountain), which is the cinder cone responsible for the 1973 eruption that nearly destroyed the town. After lunch in an Icelandic fast food cafe, we visited the old Danish fortress which dates back to at least 1586 and which was taken over for a short time by Algerian pirates and slave hunters in 1627. There was also a replica of a Norwegian stave church built in 2000 to commemorate the king of Norway sending men and wood to build a church in Iceland in the year 1000.